Birch Fumigators

Birch Fumigators
20412 118a Avenue NW
Edmonton AB

Company Description:

No matter how severe your pest infestation is, Birch Fumigators has the tools and skills to evict any unwanted pests from your commercial or residential property. As one of Edmonton’s oldest and most reliable pest control and extermination companies, we’ve been ridding homes and businesses of ant hills, bat nests, cockroach intrusions and more since 1900. Birch Fumigators has operated through two World Wars and the Great Depression. Proudly owned by the Baxter family since 1964.

Show Specials:

10% off first service with code FALLHOME23.

New Products

General Pest Program: Birch Fumigators has compiled a list of the most common household pests that bother people. All tiers of this service will include a thorough inspection and reporting of pests and pest activity and treatment.

Certifications & Awards

A+ BBB 35+ years

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